Inherits from BaseControl, ParentControl

A LayoutBox allows a designer to control the layout of its child controls. A LayoutBox does not display anything itself but purely serves as a frame for placing other controls. It can be used as a list (default), inline list, or grid.


In addition to any inherited properties, a LayoutBox supports:

Property Description Form
style Determines how the automatic layout behavior of the control. enum: list, inline

###Further Details


  • list: Children will be added in a vertical manner starting at cell position column: 0, row: 0.
  • inline: Children will be added in a horizontal manner starting at cell position column: 0, row: 0.

To add to a LayoutBox in a grid format, use the cell property of the child control. As the LayoutBox is positioning its children it will use the cell property of the control to place it correctly. The cell property of a child control overrides the auto positioning of the style property. If a child control does not have a cell property defined it will use the style property to automatically place it based on the position of the previous child.