This control type is abstract and can not be used directly.


A control that inherits from a ParentControl supports the embedding of child controls through the children property.

Property Description Form
children An array of control definitions that are to be embedded into the parent control. Array of valid Controls

If the control is also a Display Control (e.i. RadioButton or CheckBox) another property is available.

Property Description Form
style Sets the layout position of child controls relative the parent enum: list, inline, list-inline, inline-list

###Further Details


  • list: Children are placed below the parent in a vertical list.
  • inline: Children are placed to the right of the parent in a horizontal list.
  • list-inline: Children are placed below the parent in a horizontal list.
  • inline-list: Children are placed to the right of the parent in a vertical list.


Below is a list of controls that inherit from ParentControl.

###Layout Controls

####Parent Controls