Inherits from OptionControl, ParentControl


There are no CheckBox specific properties. All behavior can be achieved using the inherited properties of OptionControl and ParentControl.

Supported Option Types

  • List


When the option binding is to a List a few properties are needed for it to work.

The below example shows an option with the name plotError. This option has a property called options which describes three mutually exclusive sub-options that are possible values for the options output. A List returns the name of one of these sub-options as a string.

Now a RadioButton can be used to manipulate a ‘List’ option by changing its value to a specified sub-option name.

Option Definition

- name: plotError
  title: Error Bar Definition
  type: List
    - name: none
      title: None
    - name: ci
      title: Confidence interval
    - name: se
      title: Standard Error
  default: ci
      R: >
        `'none'`, `'ci'` (default), or `'se'`. Use no error
        bars, use confidence intervals, or use standard errors on the
        plots, respectively

To achieve this two properties will need to be added to the RadioButton definition optionName and optionPart. Both these properties are inherited from OptionControl. As has been described in OptionControl documentation, optionName is used to determine what option the RadioButton should bind to. Under normal circumstances, it is not necessary to use optionName as the property name can be used for the same effect. This however, becomes a problem for defining a RadioButton that is linked to an List as the name property also has the requirement to be unique to that UI control. It is not allowed to have two radio buttons (or any other control for that matter) with the same name. Because of this, when binding to an List with a RadioButton we are required to give that RadioButton a unique name and use the optionName to bind to the desired List.

Now binding solely to a List is not a valid configuration for a RadioButton as it requires a boolean data type to operate correctly. To overcome this, the RadioButton definition will need to not just bind to the List but also to one of the sub-options. This is achieved using the optionPart property. By assigning the name of the desired sub-option to this property, the RadioButton will operate base on that sub-options name.

UI Control Definition

- type: RadioButton
  name: plotError_none
  optionName: plotError
  optionPart: none
- type: RadioButton
  name: plotError_ci
  optionName: plotError
  optionPart: ci
    - type: TextBox
      name: ciWidth
      label: Interval
      suffix: '%'
      format: number
      inputPattern: '[0-9]+'
      enable: (plotError_ci)
- type: RadioButton
  name: plotError_se
  optionName: plotError
  optionPart: se

Three RadioButton’s for the three sub-options of the option bound List.